
Don't surrender your loneliness
So quickly
Let it cut more deep

Let it ferment and season you
As few human
Or even divine ingredients can

Something missing in my heart tonight
Has made my eyes so soft,
My voice
So tender,

My need of God
Absolutely Clear.

(From HAFEZ, the Persian poet)

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Unknown said...

What a beautiful and sad, at the same time, poem.

Anonymous said...

am curious and curious and curious !!!!!

Othersideblue said...

Can I help?

Anonymous said...

perhaps you can make me understand the real meaning

Othersideblue said...

It is the loneliness that makes you sad & when you are sad you think & think.
You will never discover the reason & the facts of life if you never think.
You will never get a chance to think and improve if you are not alone, just by yourself.

Othersideblue said...

Thank You,
Of course I know Haafez, I'm an Iranian ... he is my favorite persian poet.
Keep safe & thanks again for your nice comment.