>>>>> <<<<<

I don't know if you know of the sorrow, of my pain
I don't know if you know of the trap i've fallen in
I don't know if you ever find the grave my soul is buried within

I don't know if you know how the tears in my eyes dance to and fro
I don't know if you know how my eyes is losing it's glow
I don't know if you know how my heart needs to cry
I don't know if you know how my soul longs to fly.

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Assure me you'll come at my grave
I will gladly die
Assure me you'll take my hand to save
I will gladly die
Assure me it will save you a tiny scar
I will gladly die
But all you ask me is to be good and I fall
To put a stop to it all,
I will gladly die
My angle, my darling
ask me to stop breathing
I will
ask me to go under a guillotine
I will
but being good
I have lost the power,
I’ve lost the will.
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In an empty space
In stillness of my mind
There I cry out your name
if you listen to the silence
if you listen to the rain
if you listen to the wind
You may hear a voice calling you
a whisper in your ear.

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