
Birds open their wings wide in the air, seeking love
Creatures move in a hope of finding love

Wandering in mind I always be
as long as I live & as long as I find the air for me

O God ... where are Thee?
Your poor miserable maid needs You awfully

Into Your arm she needs to flee
Into Your arm as a refugee
She needs to be loved
She needs this mystery solved
Take her from here, from the filth of this world
To where her heart be no longer cold

To where love is as pure as gold

an everlasting world
where angles live & fly
where eagles dare not pry
You who brought love to earth
You who brought her along with birth
You who feed her and give her faith,

Please, quench her in love
before its too late.

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Anonymous said...

I am a tube light, but finally I got it. At least through a poem.