>>>>> <<<<<

I don't know if you know of the sorrow, of my pain
I don't know if you know of the trap i've fallen in
I don't know if you ever find the grave my soul is buried within

I don't know if you know how the tears in my eyes dance to and fro
I don't know if you know how my eyes is losing it's glow
I don't know if you know how my heart needs to cry
I don't know if you know how my soul longs to fly.

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Anonymous said...

With all those, I wonder if ever you be able to fly. I really doubt..

Othersideblue said...

I will fly when my soul released
When life matters no more
When the time comes
no one stops me when am freed
when the angle of dead winks at me
when he comes to take me
I will spread my wings
I will fly.

Anonymous said...

yep knows all