My kid's fishbowl

Through one's life

health, security, peace and love

are all essential,

like water for fishes

when the glass breaks we realize.

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Delirious said...

Oh, so good to find you again! I installed a new feature on my computer, and it got rid of my toolbar, and with it all of my bookmarks. I lost your link! I'm glad you are still posting! :)

Othersideblue said...


yes am still posting and it is my good luck that i could find you again.

Welcome back :)

abdolhossein rostami said...

yes, it is very bad if the glass breaks.We should bear any sad situation for our survival.Happy life for all of us.

Shruti said...

Sad thing is that we realize only when the glass break, till then, everything's taken for granted..

Shruti said...
