Voices inside have started telling me you can't you can't you can't....

Fear, doubts and anxiety are whispering in my ears,

need to be strong to ignore and shake them off !

Oh... i need a mighty power !

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Hope in a Basket said...

You are a mighty power. See what those voices are telling you, and then tell yourself what you know, because we are stronger than the voices. You are strong, you are powerful, and as was pointed out to me, we are wonderful. Write down all the things you can do and then prove the voices wrong. You are the mighty power you are looking for.

The Gaelic Wife said...

And we're here for you when you need us. Just let us know. We're your posse.

میثم said...

hi my freind.how are you ?
are you ok?

میثم said...

you cannnnnnnnnnnn...