
November 2, 2011 | Posted by Othersideblue at Wednesday, November 02, 2011 2 comments
Seeking the blue bird of happiness ?
___Henry Ward Beecher

November 17, 2010 | Posted by Othersideblue at Wednesday, November 17, 2010 12 comments
there remains no word to bespoken
there's no use to try to cry out or unburden
trapped inside like a captive like a slave
the body and soul gradually turning into a grave
sometimes voices better go dead
sometimes things are better be left unsaid.

November 15, 2010 | Posted by Othersideblue at Monday, November 15, 2010 1 comments
Voices inside have started telling me you can't you can't you can't....
Fear, doubts and anxiety are whispering in my ears,
need to be strong to ignore and shake them off !
Oh... i need a mighty power !

November 13, 2010 | Posted by Othersideblue at Saturday, November 13, 2010 4 comments

November 9, 2010 | Posted by Othersideblue at Tuesday, November 09, 2010 3 comments
Sometimes Life becomes a never ending challenge.
I don't believe in chasing crazy dreams.

October 28, 2010 | Posted by Othersideblue at Thursday, October 28, 2010 3 comments
"The 'tongue' is the most unruly member of the body. You can either 'make' or 'break' someone with your tongue. I know that may sound humorous, but it is so true. We may be able to take back a lot of things, but we can never take back words spoken. That is why we must always watch what we say, and only speak the truth."
my dear newly discovered American friend Linda wrote me this precious advice the other day which I need to read and reread, keep in mind and never forget

October 15, 2010 | Posted by Othersideblue at Friday, October 15, 2010 3 comments
patience pays
Early morning was spent sometime on TV; I was witnessing Chili miners being rescued. The overjoyed faces when they met the family member after they reached the surface stepping on the ground was really worth watching to share the true joy and delight. I could feel a lump in my throat when each waiting family member wiped off their wet eyes every now and then.
Fortunately they got their reward; the family reunion and joyful smiles was not the work of any TV company , it was just real.
it's more than a new lesson . it's life and all about it. Patience pays

October 13, 2010 | Posted by Othersideblue at Wednesday, October 13, 2010 6 comments
Each day is a new lesson
Could be worse
This too will pass
I learned these two phrases today which I can deeply feel and realize the true meaning

October 11, 2010 | Posted by Othersideblue at Monday, October 11, 2010 3 comments
Self confidence is a necessity or else I will turn into a donkey
The thought of past, people and all that has happened to me through the 45 years is haunting me like never before .. I don't like to share them with you or anybody else I don wanna share it with me either since its no use to go over the past salting the wounds.
I'd rather close the lid and throw the whole bottle out to the sea and whoever gets it shall do the same letting it immerse and absorb enough water maybe the dried up tears would flow pour out to the sea .. so the bottle feels released sailing back to me again .. maybe.
To be a wolf or a tigress is so easy and to be donkey is not as easy as u imagine .. I would have to carry so much burden though nobody was ever pleased with me but wait what about being a real lady ? I have tried them all with the unique hidden potentials that I've already got from Dunno Where Land. A dear friend suggested be a lady and i replied thats easy too .. I've got that hidden potential also I only have to drag it out, a little bit dusting and cleaning and then watch it shine.
I'm learning to say no to people fighting against my own shyness or any lack of self confidence. This is another new lesson to me a new challenge, another battleship that needs lots of self confidence, energy, iron,Vitamin B and a very calm and polite attitude to face people so ladies stand up follow me; don't let be used like a tool show them all you are a lady not a donkey anymore. It works out they will even respect us, yes it works i tried.

September 27, 2010 | Posted by Othersideblue at Monday, September 27, 2010 4 comments
my mind has been crazy inside these past few days.. sleeplessness sneering and mocking.
Again he begs and ask me to take a rest and a cease fire and keep quite so he can dozzzze offff.. the white flags are up; lucky me to be married to a dear lamb; I would swallow him up if I were a wolf ..but am not though one of my so called friends enjoys calling me a wolf mockingly thinking shes very funny ..u know I really need much stronger teeth/tooth to become a real wolf ! (usually forget which form is the plural)
She better called me a tigress :P
how many more days will I be a clown thats something nobody can tell.. God only knows

September 8, 2010 | Posted by Othersideblue at Wednesday, September 08, 2010 4 comments
this is a joke but maybe %50 true !
You already know if you have taken a look into my profile that I am not into politics not only it makes me scared but also because i simply know Nothing about the issue. You ask me about a snake and i know nothing about that weired animal so i get scared just the same.
When I go into a social gathering meaning dinner parties weddings birthday parties etc .. i wish that i had brought my own pillow and could take a nap in a quiet corner unnoticed. wanna know why ? Because females are mostly discussing their make up or hair does or domestic affair or gossiping trivialities & males discussing cars and politics these are all things i dont give a damn about so it seeems I am in the middle of A Middle Age Crisis .. yeah that might B the problem , but surely i didn't brought it up manually; it came up with age ,, I am 45 now am I growing old ?? ! ! ah now ladies you get scared of discussing your ages .. huh but I am not. Age simply doesn't matter to me as long as am happy in peace the wrinkles at the corner of lips just adds to the beauty in my opinion, the growing white hair can b dyed and here my opinion now is the most important not any body's else !.. I simply throw up my shoulder to whoever who mocks.
My middle sized son makes me smile sometimes. He tells me this joke the other day and i took it as a politic joke. read it then decide for yourself :

September 1, 2010 | Posted by Othersideblue at Wednesday, September 01, 2010 5 comments